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Poole, BH13 7LP


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    Correcting Bite Function and Jaw Misalignment with Invisalign

    Did you know? Apart from straightening your teeth, our Invisalign specialists (Dr. Ramtin and Dr. Damon) are also adept at correcting bite function and jaw misalignment with Invisalign too. While Invisalign is known for straightening teeth, our specialists (who are officially among the top 300 Invisalign specialists in the world) can also plan your smile journey here at Dental on the Banks to correct these functional issues and give you a full and wide smile.

    dental on the banks correcting bite function and jaw misalignment with invisalign

    Correcting Bite Function with Invisalign
    You may have heard of terms such as ‘overbite’, ‘underbite’ and ‘crossbite’. These refer to when a patient does not have even distribution and when they bite down aeither the upper or lower jaw is misaligned with the opposite jaw – resulting in either the top or bottom set of teeth protruding over the opposite set. For many, this can be very uncomfortable and present problems when eating. In some cases it can also result in a visual protrusion that can be seen when the mouth is closed as one of the jaws juts out slightly more. When you come in for the first step of your Invisalign journey at Dental on the Banks, Dr. Ramtin or Dr. Damon will take a full 3-D scan of your teeth and mouth and can plan ahead to rectify this with Invisalign should your case need it.

    dental on the banks correcting bite function and jaw misalignment with invisalign

    Correcting Jaw Misalignment with Invisalign
    Similar to the above, jaw alignment is also something that can be corrected in some cases with Invisalign. With their expert knowledge and experience with the clear aligners, our Invisalign specialists can once again account for and plan this aspect into your Dental on the Banks Invisalign journey. This results in a widening of your smile – meaning that you gain a full smile of straight teeth when your treatment is finished. Known as the smile corridor or buccal corridor, it means that you will have a fuller smile and less ‘black space’ in the corners of your mouth when you smile (as can be seen at one of our before and after cases above).

    Click / Tap here to book a FREE online Invisalign consultation with Dr. Ramtin or Dr. Damon (our orthodontists and Invisalign specialists) to find out how Invisalign at Dental on the Banks can help you! We are a Diamond II provider of Invisalign, meaning that we have helped hundreds and hundreds of our patients to safely straighten their smile!