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    Anti-Wrinkle Treatment in Sandbanks

    You can effectively slow down the signs of ageing thanks to anti-wrinkle treatments in Sandbanks here at our aesthetics suite in Dental on the Banks. We use this popular treatment to achieve younger looking skin by filling in lines, wrinkles and scars. The injections are safe for nearly everyone and can be used to treat facial lines around the mouth and lips along the nose, between the eyebrows, around the eyes, at vertical lines that extend from the bottom earlobe to mid-cheek and the lines that run from the corner of the mouth down to the chin.

    How does your skin change as you get older?
    One of the first results of ageing skin is that the skin becomes thinner, drier, less resilient, discoloured and less able to tolerate temperature changes. You may notice wrinkles and saggy skin that becomes rough, dry, loose and prone to bruising.

    What’s behind the changes in ageing skin?
    As you age, you will notice several changes in your skin. Some of these include:

    • Collagen levels change as you age, reducing the protective fat layers underneath your skin – this is part of why you get wrinkles
    • Skin begins to sag, stretch and lose the ability to snap back as it becomes more exposed to sunlight which worsens the changes in your collagen levels
    • It becomes harder to keep your skin moist as the glands in your skin that release sebum reduces

    How can you slow the signs of ageing in your skin?
    Most people will already have signs of ageing by the time they are in their late 20s. While these are typically minimal, the beginnings of crow’s feet, smile lines and forehead creases will be visible. If your goal is to get ahead of the visual impact of the ageing process, you can start anti-wrinkle treatments by your mid-20s. Our anti-wrinkle treatment in Sandbanks will help you stay steps ahead of the ageing process by effectively delivering more natural-looking results. Treatment is quick, virtually pain free, safe and effective.

    anti-wrinkle treatment in sandbanks dental on the banks

    Anti-Wrinkle Treatment in Sandbanks

    With years of experience, we have worked with many clients to deliver safe and effective ant-wrinkle treatments. We use a prescription-only injection that is approved to temporarily smooth out and fill in moderate to severe folds or wrinkles on your face. You can click / tap here to contact us and get booked in!