Dental on the banks
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20 Haven Road, Canford Cliffs
Poole, BH13 7LP


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    Composite Veneers in Poole

    We offer composite veneers in Poole here at Dental on the Banks, our custom-built dental clinic. Composite veneers is otherwise known as composite bonding, a treatment which consists of the white composite material being applied to your teeth in layers to build upon them. There are three main types of this treatment:

    Composite Bonding (also known as Composite Veneers or Cosmetic Bonding) refers to more fuller coverage of the tooth, like how a classic porcelain veneer (which we also offer here at Dental on the Banks) works to cover the front of the tooth to improve aesthetics and appearance.

    Composite Edge Bonding is where only the edges of the teeth are treated with the composite material. This is great to make the edges of your teeth less jagged while bringing a uniformity to your teeth overall which is very noticeable when talking and smiling.

    Note that for composite bonding / veneers and composite edge bonding, this is priced per tooth so you can choose to get just a single tooth or multiple teeth treated if you wish.

    composite veneers in poole dental on the banks specialist dentist

    Injection Moulded Composite Bonding is a more advanced technique that not every dental clinic can offer. Available here with us at Dental on the Banks, it involves the use of a mould that it custom made for the patient and composite is injected into it to bring perfect personalised results for the patient’s teeth and smile. Note that a consultation is required beforehand to quote for this treatment as it will depend on the amount of composite material that is needed.

    Composite Veneers in Poole

    The great thing about using composite to transform your smile is that there is no drilling or damage to the natural teeth, no injections required and most cases are complete in one single appointment. So in essence you can come to our clinic and leave with a brand new smile totally transformed by our aesthetic dentists! You can click / tap here to contact us to get booked in for composite bonding / composite veneers here at Dental on the Banks.

    Restorative Dentist in Poole

    While we carry out a huge variety of dental and aesthetic treatments here, we are also a restorative dentist in Poole and can help with the function, health and appearance of your teeth and smile. Read on below to learn more about some of our most popular restorative dental treatments. All of these are carried out here in our custom-built clinic and you can click / tap here to get booked in with our specialist team!

    A dental crown is a covering (often made from porcelain) to cover over and protect a damaged or affected tooth from any further damage or harm. A very common treatment, they are a great option to keep the majority of your natural tooth in place – just with a discreet, natural-looking camouflage to keep it looking and working like normal.

    Dental Bridges
    If you are missing a tooth and especially if the gap is visible when you smile, a bridge may be the best option for you. This is where an artificial tooth (custom created to fit in with your smile) is used to literally bridge the gap and make it appear as if you have all of your natural teeth. There are different ways that these can be implemented depending on your case.

    smile of custom dentures from dental on the banks restorative dentist in poole

    We are delighted to work in exclusive collaboration with Chris Wibberley who is one of the top denturists in all of the UK. He custom makes dentures for our patients which not only look amazingly natural and completely lifelike; but they are also made to perfectly and comfortably fit in your mouth at all times. The image above is an example of his outstanding work.

    Known mainly as an aesthetic / cosmetic treatment, veneers are also an option if you need to restore parts or the entirety of your smile. Crafted custom per patient from the finest dental porcelain, veneers are priced per tooth and offer you a way to completely transform your smile to get your ideal smile aesthetic – while also restoring your confidence in smiling too!

    and more!
    While the above points are among our most popular restorative treatments, we offer many more and our specialist team can come up with a bespoke treatment plan to help you. When it comes to your gums for example, you can book in for the likes of a gingivectomy, mucogingival surgery and more.

    Restorative Dentist in Poole

    Have a look through our website or even our Instagram page (click / tap here) to see some more examples of our restorative work as well as the plentiful positive reviews from our patients who have come to our restorative dentist in Poole. You can then click / tap here to book your appointment and become a part of the Dental on the Banks family!

    5 Signs of Healthy Teeth

    While the appearance of your teeth and smile is part of your overall aesthetic, it can also show how healthy your teeth are too. Here we talk you through 5 signs of healthy teeth but know that you should book regular check-ups with your dentist (click / tap here to book) as they are your best option to monitor and enhance the health of your teeth.

    Tooth Colour
    We all want a bright white smile and our premium teeth whitening is perfect to achieve this. But before you start your teeth whitening journey, you come to see us beforehand so we can check the health of your teeth and mouth. This is because discoloured / yellowing teeth can be an oral health sign to look out for – such as a buildup of plaque that may require a dental hygienist appointment before your teeth whitening can begin.

    5 signs of healthy teeth teeth whitening before and after at dental on the banks

    Bad Breath
    Nobody likes bad breath and apart from it being annoying and off-putting, it can also be a sign of your teeth and mouth health. For example, persistent bad breath could be caused by a cavity that you have – whether you know you have a cavity or do not realise it yet (i.e. it may be small and not causing you pain or at the very back of your mouth etc.). Bad breath can be an indicator of your oral health – so please raise this with your dentist if you suffer from it.

    No Cavities
    Following the last point, having no cavities (also known as caries or tooth decay) is another sign of healthy teeth. Cavities are essentially small holes in your teeth that can get bigger over time if left untreated and cause serious problems with your teeth and mouth. Even the onset of a cavity is not ideal as it is permanent damage to your tooth enamel and so getting a filling as soon as possible is always best – before the roots of your teeth become affected.

    Strong Teeth
    Do your teeth feel sore or even move a little when eating certain foods like biting into an apple for example? The strength of your teeth is also an indicator of their health. Our teeth are obviously there to help us chew and eat food, so if you are experiencing any discomfort when using your teeth – they may be weaker due to many different lifestyle and / or genetic factors. Discuss this at your check-up and our team can help to remove pain and discomfort.

    5 signs of healthy teeth treatment room at dental on the banks

    Strong Gums
    As our teeth are literally rooted into our gums, gum health is hugely important too and should never be neglected. Signs to look out for include any pain or discomfort, bleeding and if the colour of your gums (or part of your gums) changes and gets lighter, darker or patchy. Just like teeth, gums can also experience health problems such as gingivitis and our specialist team can help here with the treatments we can offer here at Dental on the Banks.

    5 Signs of Healthy Teeth

    While the above information is useful to be aware of, nothing beats your dentist checking your teeth and mouth to ensure they are healthy and to manage them if needs be. You can click / tap here to book in for a check-up here at Dental on the Banks!