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Poole, BH13 7LP


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    Reduce Your Smile Corridor With Invisalgin

    The smile corridor (also known as the buccal corridor) is the black area that can be seen at the corners of your mouth. This can be more prominent in people who have a narrow upper jaw – resulting in these black corners being more noticeable and prominent when you smile. Our Invisalign specialists (Dr. Ramtin and Dr. Damon – officially among the top 300 Invisalign specialists in the world) can help to reduce your smile corridor with their expert use of Invisalign.

    reduce your smile corridor

    They can do this by planning your case in advance so that the clear and discreet aligners can work to not only straighten your teeth, but also to widen your jaw too. You can see the results of this with one of our patient cases above as when the patient’s Invisalign treatment has finished, there is much less of a visible smile corridor. As you may know, Dr. Ramtin and Dr. Damon can also use Invisalign to correct bite function and jaw misalignment – click / tap here to read more on this.

    The below case showcases just how far our Invisalign specialists can plan your case and eventual smile to perfection. This patient presented with crowded teeth, a slanted smile, aspects of a gummy smile and very visible smile corridors. As you can see with the after result, all of these aspects have been rectified and there has been a beautiful and noticeable reduction of the smile corridor. The patient was absolutely delighted with her new smile and can now smile, talk and laugh with more confidence.

    reduce your smile corridor

    Want to reduce your smile corridor too? Click / Tap here to book a FREE online Invisalign consultation with Dr. Ramtin or Dr. Damon (our orthodontists and Invisalign specialists) to find out how Invisalign at Dental on the Banks can help you! We are a Diamond II provider of Invisalign, meaning that we have helped hundreds and hundreds of our patients to safely straighten their smile!